Thursday, December 10, 2015

Mad Max: Fury Road Comic Book Review

The cover of Mad Max: Fury Road #1.
by The World Weary

Authors: George Miller, Nico Lathouris, Mark Sexton
Illustrators: Mark Sexton, Tristan Jones, Riccardo Burchielli
Publisher: Vertigo
Genre: Action, Apocalyptic
Series: Standalone
Mad Max: Fury Road Episode I: The Immortan Menace
This review is of the paperback collection of Mad Max: Fury Road #1-5. 

No one knew what to make of Mad Max: Fury Road before it slew audiences and critics alike with it's unique blend of high octane, practical effects driven mayhem. George Miller hadn't made a Mad Max film in thirty years, Mel Gibson had disappeared from the limelight, and the third Mad Max film had divided fans, effectively killing all notions of, or desires for, a sequel. Then the Mad Max: Fury Road trailer dropped on the world, and all bets were off. Like a sweet, sweet slice of Anarchy Pie, Fury Road lived up to the high expectations laid before it, and even earned a Best Film of the Year award from the National Board of Review.

In the film's wake, fans began wildly speculating about the history of the film's characters, even go as far as to guess that Tom Hardy's Max was an entirely different person from Mel Gibson's. Well, now you can take all that speculation and shove it, because George Miller, and a bunch of his artist buddies, have made a comic miniseries that serves as prequel stories for the major players in the film.Each issue of this miniseries focuses on one or more of the major characters (and in one case a prominent vehicle) from the film. First, we follow the brief and bloody beginnings of Nux, Nicolas Hoult's fanatical War Boy, as well as a comprehensive history of Immortan Joe's rise to power, and his acquisition of The Citadel. Next is the story of Imperator Furiosa, and Immortan Joe's wives, and what ultimately pushed them to attempt their escape on Fury Road. Max himself gets two issues dedicated to his never ending quest to find himself in the wastes of the old world, and finally, Furiosa's War Rig also gets an origin story.

First of all, it's phenomenally impressive how well the panels on the page reflect the kinetic feel of the film. In the book's preface, you're told in big bold lettering that this book isn't just a cheap cash grab tie in. At first, I rolled my eyes when I read that, but as I got deeper into the book, I realized it was true. These four stories were created by Miller before Pre-Production really hit full swing for the film. These are the stories he told the actors so they'd know where their characters were coming from. This whole book feels like an extension of the film.

The action scenes are as fast and brutal as they are in the film, and the characters act exactly how you'd expect them to, never once did I feel like I was anywhere else outside of Max's universe. In fact, I read this whole thing in one quick sitting. It isn't terribly long, but regardless, the stories are so interesting, that you can't help but want to find out what happens next. I had a lot of fun with this one. It's not the deepest read, but damn, if it ain't enjoyable.

I really don't know what else to say...

This book looks, feels, and is entertaining as the film Mad Max: Fury Road, and it answers almost every question a fan could have in regards to the world and characters after seeing the film. For anyone who would like to spend a little more time in the Wasteland, this is a must buy.

And... that's... all there is to it. 

I'm not getting paid by the hour here...

Welcome to!

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